"Fearlessly embrace manufacturing, logistics, and supply chain transformation to elevate the customer experience and drive profitable growth”

Lisa Anderson

A top consultant worldwide and ranked #16 SAP’s Supply Chain Influencers, Lisa Anderson and LMA Consulting has the experience, knowledge, and vision to improve outcomes and maximize value.


Designing, implementing, and upgrading Sales and Operations Planning processes to support customer growth, scalability, and operating cash flow.


From profitable growth to operational performance, clients gain system-wide improvement resulting in increased business value & customer success.

Setting resilient supply chain strategies, clients benefit from industry-tested best practices to maximize the customer experience, profitability and cash flow.


Architecting technology roadmaps & selecting best fit ERP & related software (CRM, Forecasting, WMS, B2B/B2C etc.), clients improve ROI.
You’ll gain bottom line results, broad experience from both sides of the fence (industry and consulting), and robust resources, connections and trusted thought leadership.


Years of Manufacturing and Supply Chain Experience


Client Engagements and Repeat Contracts


Thought Leadership Publications


Awards and accolades

Author & Speaker

Lisa Anderson bolsters CEO, CFO, financial and equity, general management, manufacturing and supply chain professionals to be forward-thinking, customer-focused, resilient and profitable.

The Road Ahead – Business, Supply Chain, & The World Order

Top notch trusted advisors talk about what to do & how to reshape to thrive for decades to come.

SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning)

The playbook for navigating supply chain chaos and creating predictable revenue, an operational rhythm & EBITDA growth.

Future Proofing - Manufacturing and the Supply Chain

Future-Proofing Manufacturing & Supply Chain Post COVID-19

The restart recipe for safely, efficiently and successfully getting back to business and prepare to thrive after the pandemic.


Expert analysis on Boeing’s supply chain, offering strategies for resilience amid challenges, enhancing industry understanding

Bloomberg: LMA Consulting Group’s Lisa Anderson on Boeing

Lisa Anderson joined Bloomberg’s Markets The Close to talk about Boeing. The aerospace industry experienced significant shortages and delays following the pandemic, and finally smoothed out the supply chain issues as of December 2023. Companies were preparing for Boeing’s ramp up plans to support 5-10% growth through 2026 and […]

Insights on assessing supply chain performance by LMA Consulting Group

How Do You Rate in Supply Chain?

Clients typically set goals; however, goals without an understanding of where you stand is non-value added. Although it is common to set goals and expect employees to achieve them, it is far less common for clients to understand how they will get from the current state to the desired future state.

Global issues impact supply chains. Expert insights on crisis management by LMA Consulting Group

Houthi attacks on ships escalate: Experts look to COVID supply chain lessons

Supply chain disruptions are nothing new for the shipping industry. The COVID-19 pandemic presented an unprecedented challenge for the industry. Lisa Anderson comments on the disruptions arising from the current Houthi attacks in the Red Sea and the implications.

Who We Work With

Coca-Cola Company
Corona Season after Season
Sydor Optics
Paragon Distribution Services
Quiet Cool
Green Dot
Nestle Nutrition

What You Should be Reading

Valuable insights and key takeaways from the SAP Sapphire event, crucial for business leaders in supply chain and technology sectors.

Takeaways & Insights from SAP Sapphire Event

Modern ERP No Longer Enough Although we have been emphasizing the need for a modern ERP system to meet continually evolving customer expectations, modern ERP alone is no longer enough. To thrive in the next decade will require business AI (artificial intelligence) to be embedded throughout your ERP system, […]

Insights on overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities in e-commerce logistics for enhanced supply chain efficiency and growth

Challenges, Risks & Opportunities in E-Commerce & Logistics

In attending the Southern California E-Commerce & Logistics Summit, it is clear that focusing on global logistics as a system of systems is paramount (special shout out to Fran Inman for the use of her phrase). Not one link in the supply chain can succeed on its own.

Regional manufacturing enhances risk management by addressing IP theft, geopolitical tensions, logistics disruptions, and increasing responsiveness

Succeeding with Regional Manufacturing & Optimizing Supply Chain

The risk of China has increased dramatically over the years. Early on, executives were concerned about intellectual property theft. Although that is still a concern, there are much bigger issues.